Atlas V launch of a missile warning satellite delayed until Friday - Newspread

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Atlas V launch of a missile warning satellite delayed until Friday

CAPE CANAVERAL — Since the 1960s, U.S. satellites have sought to detect and provide early warnings of ballistic missile launches.
A $1.2 billion mission, scheduled to blast off from Cape Canaveral at 7:42 p.m. ET Friday on an Atlas V rocket, aims to add the latest spacecraft to that effort, which tracks a growing number of missiles scattered over a much wider area than the original Cold War threat. The launch was scrubbed Thursday evening after an aircraft entered the hazard area during the countdown.
“In today’s world, and certainly over the last 20 years, the proliferation of missiles outside that concentrated area has grown demonstrably,” said Col. Dennis Bythewood, director of the Air Force’s Remote Sensing Systems Directorate at Los Angeles Air Force Base. “Regional systems present in Asia and the Middle East are well within the range of our deployed forces, as we’ve seen over the last years of combat operations.”

The number of ballistic missiles increased by more than 1,200 over the past five years, according to the Missile Defense Agency, and more than 5,900 are based outside the United States, North Atlantic Treaty Organization member nations, Russia and China.
United Launch Alliance’s 194-foot Atlas V rocket rolled to its Launch Complex 41 pad Wednesday morning with the third satellite in the Air Force’s Space Based Infrared System, or SBIRS.
The system is modernizing and replacing the legacy Defense Support Program, which began launching in 1970.

The new satellites, built by Lockheed Martin, carry more powerful infrared sensors that scan the ground twice as fast, enabling them to spot dimmer targets and missiles with shorter engine burns.
“With amazing precision, timing and accuracy, we can detect, track and process infrared information, and then transmit it via secure communications links to decision makers and military leaders around the globe,” said Dave Sheridan, SBIRS program director at Lockheed Martin.
Combined with sensors on satellites in different orbits and software on the ground, the system identifies where a missile has launched from and predicts where it will impact.
“The capability of the satellites that we’re launching now basically cuts in half the amount of time it takes for the satellite to find and fix a missile launch on the face of the Earth, and then feed that into our missile warning network,” said Bythewood.
Exactly how long that takes is classified.
This week's launch was delayed from October after a Lockheed Martin supplier reported a problem on another satellite equipped with a similar main engine. The engine is key to the satellite reaching the right orbit after being dropped off by the rocket.

An investigation cleared the propulsion system on the new satellite known as SBIRS GEO Flight 3, referencing the program’s third satellite bound for a geosynchronous orbit, where satellites match the speed of Earth’s rotation and appear to hold a fixed position in the sky.
“We feel very comfortable that we’ve got a good engine on GEO Flight 3 and that it’s ready to fly,” said Bythewood.

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