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Word War 3: The Latest Update

Word War 3: The Latest Update
Word War 3: The Latest Update

Here are the latest developments in the North Korea – USA dispute, a dispute many believe has put the world on the brink of World War 3.
While North Korea and the USA remain locked in disagreement the US build up of nuclear readiness is bringing other concerns to the table.
USA Proves it is Ready for War
The “lethal and ready” capability of the ICBM was praised as a signal for the US enemies following its successful simulated electronic firing on April 11.
“The Simulated Electronic Launch of a Minuteman III ICBM is a signal to the American people, our allies, and our adversaries that our ICBM capability is safe, secure, lethal and ready,” the 625th Strategic Operations Squadron commander, Lt. Col. Deane Konowicz, said in a statement.
Despite the fact that the US military denied all connections of the launch with the tensions between Washington and Pyongyang, the drills have raised concerns and received criticism from the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. The organization accused the US of a “clear double standard,” and advocated for “diplomacy rather than military provocations,” said the foundation president, David Krieger, as cited by the Los Angeles Times.
“It views its own tests as justified and useful, while it views the tests of North Korea as threatening and destabilizing,” Krieger said, also warning of increasing danger of such moves.
U.S. President Donald Trump aims to use economic sanctions and diplomatic measures to pressure Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) into dismantling its nuclear and missile programs, U.S. officials said Wednesday.

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“We are engaging responsible members of the international community to increase pressure on the DPRK in order to convince the regime to de-escalate and return to the path of dialogue,” senior U.S. officials said in a statement.
The statement, jointly issued by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, came after they briefed members of Congress on Washington’s policy towards the DPRK on Wednesday.
South Korea and the United States agreed on Thursday on “swift punitive measures” against North Korea in the event of further provocation, as a North Korean official vowed it would push ahead with nuclear and missile tests to counter U.S. “hostile acts”.
Russia and China are Getting Nervous
While the US keeps claiming that its missile defenses are seeking to mitigate threats from rogue states, the results of computer simulations confirm that the Pentagon’s installations are directed against Russia and China according to the deputy head of operations of the Russian General Staff.
“The presence of US missile defense bases in Europe, missile defense vessels in seas and oceans close to Russia creates a powerful covert strike component for conducting a sudden nuclear missile strike against the Russian Federation,” Poznikhir explained."
“Applying sudden disarming strikes targeting Russian or Chinese strategic nuclear forces significantly increases the efficiency of the US missile defense system,” Poznikhir added.
Russia has repeatedly voiced its concerns over the risk American ABM systems pose to the global balance of power and thus peace and stability, but has consistently been sidelined.
“Within the framework of cooperation, we also proposed jointly to develop a missile defense architecture for Europe, which could guarantee security against the impacts of nonstrategic ballistic missiles,” said Poznikhir.
“However, all Russian initiatives were rejected.”
Britain has No Money for War
Britain’s ability to wage war is being undermined because of the cost of arms and equipment, with an influential committee saying that equipping the military is becoming unaffordable.
The concerns were raised by the Public Accounts Committee as part of a defense spending review, which found that there were serious questions over whether the current £178 billion (about US$228 billion) designated for military spending was viable, the Times reported.
In North Korea
The North Korean threat is perhaps the most serious security challenge confronting U.S. President Donald Trump. He has vowed to stop the North from being able to hit the United States with a nuclear missile and Vice President Mike Pence last week stressed that the “era of strategic patience” was over.
Though it has warned “all options are on the table”, Trump’s administration said on Wednesday it aimed to push North Korea into dismantling its weapons programs through tougher sanctions and diplomatic pressure, and it remained open to talks.
A North Korean official speaking on CNN said the country would not be influenced by outside events.
“As long as America continues its hostile acts of aggression, we will never stop nuclear and missile tests,” said Sok Chol Won, director of the North’s Institute of Human Rights at the Academy of Social Sciences.
North Korea’s official Rodong Sinmun newspaper said it was “entirely because of the U.S.” that global denuclearization had not materialized.
“So U.S. officials should know this clearly and feel responsible, not play with their beaks thoughtlessly,” it said.

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