Callbacks, foreshadowing, and wonderful coincidences. There's plenty waiting for you if you've never given it a second watch.
1.There were hints about what was to come from the very start. For instance, you probably never thought about Ghost's colour back in the pilot.
Like Jon, Ghost was the runt of the litter. But the more telling thing, knowing what we know now, was Ghost's bright white colour – hinting at Jon's secret Targaryen heritage.
2.And the symbolism of this gruesome scene told us exactly what to expect in Season 1.
A direwolf that was much further south than it should have been, killed by a stag, who itself ended up dead. See what they did there?
3.And later that season we thought Jaime was just being a dick:
OK, so we had to wait a few seasons, but thanks to his older sister, it turns out Bran was right.
6.Talking of that wedding, this map from before shit went down shows you that rather than being supported by the Freys and the Boltons, the Starks were actually surrounded.
7.In Season 5 episode, "Hardhome", Sam attempted to ease Olly's mind, saying:
Two episodes later, Olly and his fellow traitors murdered Jon. If only he'd listened to Sam's advice, he might have realised that even death wouldn't stop Jon. And Olly might not have ended up quite
8.More from Samwell "I love books" Tarly – this rather heavy-handed line in Season 5 suggested it was always going to end up this way.
9.Back in Season 2 we saw Quaithe give Jorah this prophecy. At the time she just seemed a bit weird tbh, but now...
11.Though as the seasons went on we were given some much more obvious clues about Jon's identity.
12.Before Tyrion's trial, Jaime mentions that cousin-killing is the only type of family murder that doesn't have it's own name...
You may not have realised it at the time, but this was a reference – packed with a hint of genuine guilt – to the time he murdered his cousin, Alton Lannister, in order to escape from the Starks.
13.Given that Olenna lost her entire family at the Sept of Baelor, she probably feels a little silly about this line from Season 6.
14.When creepy ol' Littlefinger said this, only the first of these three deaths had happened.
15.In Episode 2 of this season we saw that while Ned may not be Jon's biological father, the apple still doesn't fall far from the tree.
16.And if you compare the stone direwolves that guard Winterfell's crypts in Season 1 and Season 7, you can see the Bolton's made some bold design choices during their stay.
17.Way back in Season 1, before he was all half dead and stuff, Benjen recounted his older brother's advice. Seems it was a favourite line of his.
18.And finally, this may be intentional – it may not – but either way, the symmetry of Sam repaying this debt to his old Lord Commander's son is incredibly touching.