Philosophical Tweets That Defy Logic!!! You Just Can’t Miss #11!!!
The foundations of logic are challenged by questions that have filled
the world we live in. We at Sarcasm lol have compiled some examples in
this article and hope the examples will be either rib-ticklingly funny
or brain-bending tricky. Or maybe both. So here are some Philosophical
Tweets That Defy Logic!!
#1 Tommy Indeed
#2 Does the size of the transports have to do anything with this?

#4 Arrgh! This English language you know!
#5 We all might be as a kindergarten student all our lives!

#6 Or maybe there is no room for the air inside the tire to move!

#1 Tommy Indeed
#2 Does the size of the transports have to do anything with this?
#3 Never met someone like that!why do we say we're IN the car, but ON the bus??— garbage (@nanita_alfy) February 24, 2017
#4 Arrgh! This English language you know!
Why is it called socking someone in the face if you punch them but we wear socks on our feet and not our hands— Spencer Jones (@Suh_spence28) February 26, 2017
#5 We all might be as a kindergarten student all our lives!
#6 Or maybe there is no room for the air inside the tire to move!
#7 Just imagine someone calling you up as “hey winter, how are you?”
#8 Obviously they are not!

#9 Hah! Yes, it does!

#10 Music does not help everyone focus!
#8 Obviously they are not!
#9 Hah! Yes, it does!
#10 Music does not help everyone focus!