75 Unhealthiest Foods On the Planet

“I’m on a health kick,” our friend Darlene said the other day over brunch. She proudly poured almond milk into her coffee, took a sip of OJ and bit into a veggie burger. “No bad foods for me!”
Some health kick. Darlene had just served herself carrageenan, corn syrup and disodium inosinate, belly-bloating foods that sabotage her weight loss goals. Due to food manufacturers and deceptive marketers, even our “healthy” meals teem with unhealthy fats, artificial ingredients and unnecessary preservatives. A simply brunch like Darlene’s can turn into a punch—to the gut.
On a mission to help you understand exactly what’s in your food, and why it’s bad, the researchers at Eat This, Not That! put together this definitive list of The 75 Unhealthiest Foods on the Planet—along with healthy swaps for each, so you can still enjoy your favorite foods without sacrifice. Read on to discover the best and worst—and discover which sodas made our essential list of The 70 Worst Sodas on the Planet—Ranked By How Toxic They Are.
1 Coffee Creamer

Unhealthy Ingredients: Trans fats, added sugar, artificial coloring
The problem with coffee creamer? There’s no cream! Many brands are packed with trans fats, also known as partially hydrogenated soybean and cottonseed oil. Pretty much all of Nestle Coffee Mate’s products have this scary ingredient that a study in PLOS One showed to diminish memory in adults under 45 years old. Consumption of the ingredient also increases your risk of heart disease—hence why the FDA will ban the ingredient in 2018. Alternatives like Hood’s Country Creamer and International Delight French Vanilla eschew the partially hydrogenated stuff, but still use mono and diglycerides, which can contain trans fats, but dodge FDA labeling laws.
Drink This! Instead: Plain ol’ cow’s milk or unsweetened plant-based milk both make for healthy additions to your morning cup. If you’re still looking for a hint of flavor and don’t want to give up your favorite creamers, at least stick with a tablespoon (yes—just one) of either Coffee Mate’s Natural Bliss, International Delight’s Simply Pure, or Land O’Lakes Half & Half; all are made with just milk, cream, sugar, and natural flavor—that’s it!
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